Alpine Wellness

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Winter Walking Surfaces

The same conditions that create the epic skiing and riding you enjoy on the mountain can also make our base area and walking surfaces quite slick. Parking lots, sidewalks, pathways, and outdoor stairs may be covered by ice or snow at any time during the winter operating season.  

Selecting the right footwear is important to reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Choose footwear that is appropriate for the season and weather, with waterproof material and traction for uneven surfaces: leave those sneakers at home! Remember also that ski boots often do not provide good traction, so pack a pair of removable tracks if you plan to walk around outside your skis. 

Give yourself extra time to get from one point to another so that you can take it slow, and while you’re at it, take a pause to appreciate the moment!

Frequent Rest

Rest frequently, adventure longer: combine short breaks with hydration and proper nutrition, and you’re much better equipped for a full day on the mountain! Aside from the lodges scattered about the mountain, we’ve also created designated Rest Areas around the mountain for your use.
Whether you’re taking a 5 minute or 2 hour break, pull up a seat, stretch, and breathe in the mountain air around you.
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